Tuesday 26 January 2016


Assalamualaikum and hi! I feel like writing today but extremely sleepy too. So it's not gonna be as long as usual, but here we go!

Judging. Everybody does that. The problem with people is that everyone judges everyone. No one is good enough. Everybody should realise by now that we're all the same. Everyone makes fun of other people. Can't deny that. But we should all know our limit. 

1. Appearance

This one pisses me off the most. You can never judge someone based on their physical appearances. We should always remember, we don't get choose how we look. Why should we make fun of others when their face and body are clearly what God has give them? If a girl's body is flat, don't make fun of her. I'm pretty sure she's very insecure of herself too and there's nothing she can do about her body. If a guy's body isn't muscular, don't judge him. In a few years, he might get hotter. If a girl's body is too skinny, she has probably tried to eat more and worked really hard to gain weight. If a guy is fat or chubby, he might have been trying to lose weight and he's probably crying himself to sleep as he's really insecure of his own body. 

2. Self-harm 

Self-harming is a dangerous thing. It is related to suicide and suicidal depression. A few of my girl friends cut themselves. And it's not impossible for guys to self-harm too. People self-harm because of the overwhelming stress could get to the point where their heart bleeds more than their hand/thigh/anywhere they cut. If someone's hand is full of scars and cuts, don't judge. Show your care and whatever nice. Everybody deserves attention and love. 

3. Race

This happens a lot like literally everywhere. As we all know, Malaysia has a lot of race and many differences between each race. Chinese people have narrow eyes. The Indians have dark skin. Malays? I don't know what symbolizes us as the Malay people. But, why should we make fun of the Indians who have dark skin and the Chinese who have narrow eyes? They did not ask to be born with those features. They were born that way. And I genuinely think that those things are the things that makes us different and special. A lot of my Indian friends are very kind and friendly. My Chinese friends are highly intelligent and extremely smart. 

4. Ability

Everybody in this world has their own talent and their specialty in something. Never judge someone when they are bad at something. They could be good in something you're really bad at. Remember, everyone is different. For example, I suck really bad at sports and my studies. But  I can draw and write. And my cooking is not that bad to be honest. My friend sucks really bad at drawing but she's an athlete and she can sing really well. 

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein 

5. I don't know but nobody deserves to be treated badly, to be honest.