Monday 29 June 2015

Stop That.

Assalamualaikum and hi guys! 

Today, something happened in my Science class. We went into a room, i don't know what's the name but we watched some slideshows sorta thing from a laptop. And when the class almost ended, a few of my classmates asked the teacher to open the google image to search something. A picture of one of my classmates. He was absent though. 

I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY THE TEACHER WAS FOLLOWING WHAT THEY WANTED EVEN THOUGH SHE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. The picture had nothing funny to laugh at. They were making fun of him. 

That made me extremely mad. Yes, I did try to stop them but they won't listen. The picture was fine, but when they laughed at it, I felt like slapping each and every one of them. It's because it's such an embarrassment. I get it, i know how it feels to have people betray you and stab behind your back and laugh at you without you knowing anything, not a single clue. I know how it feels like. 

As example, that guy you laughed at, you don't know what he's going through. His parents could be divorced, maybe his brother hit him, his grandfather maybe fell sick, or he could be an orphan. 

The girl you made fun of, her friends could be ignoring her, her boyfriend maybe is cheating on her, her sister probably died yesterday, she could be cutting herself, or she could be depressed.

Do you even know all that stuffs? NO! Why? BECAUSE YOU'RE GODDAMN SELFISH. That's why you should stop being such a jerk and try to at least care a bit! If only you know how it feels like, then you may talk about it. Tell me if it's good or bad to have people talk behind you, make fun of you, laugh at you, and all the stuff every human hates. 

You should stop talking behind people's back, stop that. Everyone has our own dark secret.

Imagine, there's this one big secret you want to keep between you and your "so-called best friend" ONLY. And the next day, the whole school knows about it. So, how do you feel about it? 

So embarrassed that you wish you could dig a huge hole and bury yourself. So embarrassed that you want to transfer to another school. So embarrassed that you feel like committing suicide. So embarrassed that you hope to make yourself disappear. 

Change your attitude. Stop all those things. I know even me myself, I can't escape from making sins and lots of bad stuffs. I'm not even perfect but "Aslih nafsak wad'u ghairak." It means "Purify yourself and preach others." or "Improve yourself and ask other people to do the same."

Stop with all those bad talking about other people. I can't stand it. Please, for the sake of Allah and ourselves.

"If a servant, covers the shame of another servant, on the Day of Judgment Allah will cover their shame." [Muslim, Al-Birr (Virtue); 72]

Even God says that He will cover the shame of a servant. So, who do you think you are? We are all human beings, everyone has feelings. You, me, your friend, my neighbour, our teachers, the cleaners. We are all the same, wake up and realize that. 

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